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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Carnelian Wand.  It has beautiful marbles of orange throughout the vibrant red color
My Carnelian Wand. It has beautiful marbles of orange throughout the vibrant red color
Carnelian is one of my personal "go-to" stones. In brilliant shades of red and orange autumn Carnelian captivates.
A type of Chalcedony, Carnelian ranges in color from a pale orange with pink undertones to a deep rusty red. The most popular colors are beautiful light oranges to the deep red. Carnelian in the darker reds (like pictured) is prized by many.
Carnelian is rumored to attract prosperity and good luck; however, in my own practice I rely on carnelian for it's more well-known qualities of stiumlation, creativity, strength and confidence. All qualities that I find essential to obtain success.
The Carnelian wand pictured is one of the stones I use daily as it resides permanently on my Triple Goddess Altar, a permenent part of my desk. It aids me in maintaining creative energy throughout the day while giving me confidence to speak with grace and truth to each person that calls or writes. It's a very energetic stone.
Anytime you are looking for a little boost in energy or confidence, Carnelian is a good stone to turn to. Keep a tumbled carnelian in your pocket during the day for boosts of energy when needed or when your confidence begins lagging.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
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